The Role of Tax Credit in Promoting Renewable Energy

Mar 16, 2024 By Triston Martin

In the past few years, there has been an increasing focus on sustainability and renewable energy in the United States and other countries. To promote this change, the IRS provides a variety of energy-saving tax credits for energy sources such as wind, solar, and geothermal power.

Accounting professionals must comprehend renewable energy tax incentives and how they apply to individuals and companies to assist customers in maximizing their tax advantages. Here, we will understand the role of tax credits in promoting renewable energy resources. If you are interested, continue reading!

What are Renewable Tax Credits?

Governments offer renewable energy tax credits to encourage the utilization and advancement of renewable energy sources. The purpose of these credits is to increase the financial value and efficiency of renewable energy projects compared to conventional energy sources that rely on fossil fuels.

Types of Renewable Energy Tax Credits

Numerous types of tax credits exist, including geothermal, solar, biomass, and wind power tax credits. Below are details of these types.

Geothermal Energy Tax Credits

Geothermal energy originates from the extremely hot interior of the Earth. We can immediately heat buildings with this heat or use it to generate power. Because it produces less pollution and is constantly available, unlike burning gas or coal, it is much healthier for the environment than other options.

Moreover, we must have it. In addition to being dependable, geothermal power plants generate employment in the communities where they are located and operate continuously. Geothermal energy stimulates local economies, creates employment, and is a clean, dependable energy source.

Geothermal power allows nations to generate their own energy, reducing the need for imports. Furthermore, geothermal energy has a wide range of applications, including city management and residential heating. Ultimately, using geothermal energy to satisfy our energy needs can be dependable and environmentally beneficial while minimizing pollution.

One of the main incentives the US government offers to encourage the funding of renewable energy projects, such as geothermal energy systems, is the ITC. Businesses and individuals may be eligible to receive a tax credit through the ITC for some of the eligible costs related to installing qualified renewable energy systems.

ITC can provide up to a 26% credit on the entire investment for geothermal energy projects, which lowers the cost of installation. This credit helps people and businesses accept geothermal energy by covering expenses such as labor and equipment. The ITC can be used with other incentives like local tax credits to further save costs.

Solar Energy Tax Credit

The primary source of solar energy is sunlight, which is essential for producing renewable energy. Photovoltaic cells, another name for solar panels, use sunlight to generate electricity. They are necessary because they enable us to produce clean, unlimited electricity.

Solar panels function by utilizing the photovoltaic effect, which converts sunlight into electrical energy. This means that they can produce energy without putting harmful substances or greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. By using solar energy, we have a great chance to utilize fewer fossil fuels and produce electricity in an environmentally friendly manner.

State and federal governments provide tax credits to encourage the installation of solar power systems. The ITC offers an incentive of up to 26% of the allowable expenses associated with installing solar systems. By lowering the initial cost of solar installations, this incentive increases the sustainability of finances for both businesses and homeowners.

Furthermore, a lot of states provide their own tax deductions, discounts, or other benefits to help reduce the expenses of installing solar power systems. The incentives offered by states differ greatly and could be in the form of cash rebates, tax credits, or performance-based rewards, depending upon the energy policies and objectives of the individual state.

Biomass Energy Tax Credit

Biomass energy is a versatile renewable energy source produced from organic materials such as trash and leftover agricultural products. Frequently, it is burned directly to produce steam or heat, which helps build heating or generate power. This technique reduces greenhouse gas emissions and promotes greener energy by providing a renewable choice.

Biofuels like ethanol and biodiesel require biomass, which is another essential usage. These fuels are more environmentally friendly than conventional gasoline and diesel since they are produced from biomass using techniques like fermentation. By combining them with conventional fuels to minimize car pollution, we may reduce our dependence on petroleum and coal and their negative environmental effects.

Discounts related to taxes have a critical role in encouraging investment in biomass energy production. The government provides these incentives to promote it. There are several types of incentives at the federal level. The first is the PTC, which offers a tax credit for every unit of electricity produced using biomass or other renewable energy sources.

An additional incentive is the ITC, which provides a tax credit determined by the amount invested in biomass energy systems. Biomass energy producers can also receive payments from the REPI based on the amount of renewable electricity they generate and sell.

Wind Power Tax Credit

One form of renewable energy which utilizes the strength of the wind to create electricity is wind power. Wind energy is captured and converted into electrical power by the massive devices known as wind turbines. Due to nations' desire to protect the environment and consume fewer fossil fuels, renewable energy has grown in popularity.

Wind energy is an excellent means to power homes, companies, and neighborhoods because it is abundant and produces no harmful gasses. The federal and state governments provide tax credits to encourage individuals to make investments in wind power projects. There are two main categories of tax credits available at the national level. PTC is one of them.

For every unit of power generated from renewable resources, like wind, there is a tax credit. The ITC is the other. It offers a discount according to the amount of money you spend on wind energy installations. These tax breaks contribute to wind energy projects' affordability and investor attraction.


In summary, renewable energy tax credits are significant because they can reduce costs and increase the benefits of investing in environmentally friendly energy sources. The government offers these credits to minimize pollution and dependency on fossil fuels. People and companies can help create a more sustainable and healthy environment by utilizing these incentives.

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